Then and Now, a Year of Virtual Organizing

March 2020 we had to make the last minute decision to move our second annual Healthy and Thriving panel to a virtual setting. The irony that would have been “Spreading a deadly virus at a panel on Bi health” was not lost on us, and Atlanta’s ban on large gatherings sealed the deal. Back then we were reading up on daily updates, keeping up with the day-by-day changes. Gatherings of 50 or more banned. Then 10 or more.

Now it’s all become so normal that I couldn’t even tell you if we still have a ban, and I’m sure I’m not the only one. To say it’s been a strange and difficult year would be underselling it, and really, you don’t need me to tell you that- you’ve been living through it. At the end of this one year mark, it sometimes seems like the last 12 months just bleed together.

Sometimes I think we all need a good reminder that this isn’t forever, that the ways we met before happened and will happen again, and that the ways we’ve been connecting and organizing virtually are just as important. 

Despite not having met in person in over a year, we’ve had game nights and art sharing events and celebrations of the Bi/Pan+ Community we’ve built. Things won’t be the same when we can finally meet again- our old meeting spot at The Bakery no longer exists, and questions on how to balance accessibility with in-person/virtual organizing will have to be grappled with. 

Until then, here’s a look back at how far we’ve come:

Whether in person or virtually, we hope to see you all again! More virtual events have already been planned for this year, and we’ll be announcing them soon here and on our website. 

-Isabelle, Board Secretary


Celebrating Trans Day of Visibility 2021